Saturday, April 9, 2011
Digging in the Dirt
It's been a full day here at 3/4 Acre Farm. After a rousing start at 6:30 AM, involving a very solid dog meeting up with my kidneys at about Mach 3, I jumped into one project after another.
April may be a fickle bitch, but there is something about the kick-start spring provides after winter sloth. The chicks are nearing 2 weeks old and are getting very big and very bold. The young cockerels are starting to nip at me when I don't provide breakfast quick enough, the little snots. But they are still in the cute stage--next week, it will be the ugly adolescent gawky bit which makes me pity them. It's like a bunch of half-feathered junior high students in goofy moods around week 3...it even smells a bit like junior high, come to think of it. In any case, they needed a brooder expansion, so I moved a couple of hay bales, found another cardboard-box-wall, and the little buggers seem to be very cheerful with more room to romp around. After I finished playing with the babies, I moved on to the big girls. They seem to need something to do these days, so I tossed a few flakes of straw into their run and they spent the rest of the day scratching and chomping and clucking. The new nest box is attached, and those smart hens are already laying eggs in there. I only had to move one egg, and they caught on and have nicely put the rest of the eggs in the proper spot. I have to remember to listen before I lift the hinged lid looking for eggs--I caught two of the girls en flagrante, which was a little embarrassing for all involved. Eeeek! It was one of those moments like when you're in a public restroom, and you think the door is latched, and suddenly is swings open and there you are, panties around the ankles squawking "It's occupied! It's occupied!" Now, pretend you are a chicken and you will be able to envision what I witnessed twice today. Sorry, girls. As if playing with chickens was not enough, I also dug up three of the back garden beds and planted peas (1 bed) and beets (2 beds), as well as planting my new cold frames. Frame #1 has Dinosaur kale and ruby chard in it, Frame #2 savoyed and Bloomsdale spinach. Frame #3 has my greens assortment: Green Deer Tounge, Fedco's organic Greens Mix, Rouge di Hiver, and Rossi de something-or-other. I figured that was enough digging and planting for one day, and rounded out the afternoon by moving a brush pile. I don't know what I am going to do with the brush pile, but it's now moved and ready to be loaded up and go somewhere. After all that yard work, I decided I was in far too much pain from crawling around on hard ground and too tired to do anything else (like clean up all the dog poo in the backyard), and spent the rest of the afternoon baking bread and trying out my new Shampoo Bar. No, it's not a cocktail. It's shampoo for your head, but like a bar of soap. I like it, and it says it will repel ticks naturally--who wouldn't love a shampoo that can do that?? Looking over this post makes me realize two things: (1) holy cow, if I didn't know better I would think I was a pod-person because I am NEVER this productive and (2) holy cow, no wonder why I am in so much pain! I think I'll take some drugs and toddle off to bed, ready to tackle another fun-filled day tomorrow.

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