Saturday, July 30, 2011
Running in the Rain
It was wet. It was cold. It was completely insane, dashing through a flood with thunder and lightning all around.
It was freakin' marvelous.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sometimes, You Get Sauce.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
That's Some Hot Jam, Mama!
Chipolte Raspberry Jam
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Lazy Summer Day
Now, I just need to grow my own grain and coffee beans....
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Update on the Heat Wave
The rabbits are hanging in there, too. I got a cooling mist system delivered yesterday afternoon (thank you, and hooked it up. It said that it would lower the temperature by 20 degrees, and to be honest, I was just hoping for five. Would you believe the thing actually works as advertised?? I was shocked, but it was seriously significantly cooler in the rabbit barn than outdoors, even during the high heat, full sun part of the day it stayed tolerable in there. It does get everything very very drippy so all the feeders are covered by ziploc baggies and the hay is covered by a spare bit of wood. I'll take damp over deadly heat any day.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. I believe it when it gets here.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Some Days, You Just Lose Some...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Rabbit Update!
Rainy Days mean Canning
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Apricot Rum Jam
The View from My Corner of the World
The back garden, fenced in & growing like mad!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday, oh Sunday
Saturday, July 9, 2011
It's a Fountain, Baby!
I was wandering the aisles of Menard's this morning, after returning some spare parts leftover from putting in the privacy screen yesterday. Of course, I wound up in the garden area--surprise, surprise. They had hydrangeas on sale, so I finally got the hydrangea "Limelight" I have been longing for. And then I saw it: A nifty, make-your-own rain chain fountain. Sure, it was an advertisement, encouraging me to buy the most expensive rain chain they had, but the concept was killer. I had to have it. Who wouldn't need this at their house? I got the pot (plastic, but looks like real stone), shepard's crook hanger, submersible pump, tubing, and a clearanced, copper rain chain all for $50! It took me about 10 minutes to put together, which includes wrestling-free-from-packaging-time, and there you have it. My original, unique water feature, just waiting to greet guests by my front door. I put a couple of my glass floats in it, they look really neat bobbing around. It splashes a bit, but I love the sound the water makes as it flows down the copper chain. I can't wait until it develops that cool patina that copper acquires after a few years of seasonal exposure!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Mystery Solved
In other news, a guy from Xcel energy came, marched out back, placed ONE little flag, and marched away again. Ummmm....I don't know if the flag is marking a line, or just a signal that he came, because no paint spray lines appeared. It was very, very odd. In any case, I don't think the flag means anything, and it is away from where I'm digging, but it is a little freak-a-licious to have a random white flag waving at me, with no connection to anything. Apparently I am supposed to be psychic and know what it means.
If I hit another dang hidden wire in this project, I think I may just have a little nervous breakdown.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Mystery of the Wire
I broke out my Valley Girl-air head personna and called the local telephone company, and said that given where the lines were marked, we dug well away from them...and found an unmarked line! What is a girl to do?!? The telephone company tried to pass me off to another company, another utility, anybody but them...but in the end, they are sending out a man in a truck to come look at my mysterious underground wire. If it isn't theirs, I am hoping that they can tell me whose it I can play stupid with another utility. (I know, this is borderline deception. I am being honest about the digging of the hole and the hitting of the wire, but is it so bad to leave out the when it happened sequence of events? I think not.)
I'm not sure when the man with a truck will be coming, so the bucket with half-a-bag-of-concrete weight will stay put for now. Hopefully, they make it before any big thunderstorms decide to cruise by. Meanwhile, Jack & I are planning to tackle the moving of the dirt tomorrow, which will be nice to have that project done and over with. Pending discussion of the wire, I'm hoping that the fence is up by the weekend. Then I can paint it, boring gray for my boring, tedious neighbor to stare at. And I will be soooooo haaaaaapppppyyyy gardening in my little garden, safe from her beady, little, judgemental eyes. Bwah hah hah hah!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Weekend Update
This is where having a handyman around to help with odd jobs comes in handy. He came yesterday morning, declaring an intent to start digging some post holes. I said, sure go ahead, and off he trotted into the backyard with his digger. About twenty minutes later, he calls out "uh...oh..." and back I trotted. Then we both stood back there, peering into a hole, staring at a wire where no wire should be. That's right--I completely forgot about calling digger hotline, and seriously, when they've been out before, they've never marked the yard back there when they've marked the whole thing for underground lines. It doesn't appear to be electrical (thank god) but its something, not cut all the way through but definitely showing some shiny wires. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. All digging halted. So far, no visitation from anybody claiming loss of phone service or cable. Jack believes it is a "dead" line. I called digger hotline (belatedly) and they'll be coming out to paint line markings. If they mark one there, I suppose I need to find out which utility owns it and fess up to a major boo-boo. At $2000 for the fine for digging "illegally", I really really really really hope that this line goes to nothing at present. (I also really really hope it isn't something going to grumpy neighbor's house.) Ahhhggggg. This situation just keeps exploding into new fires, every time I turn around!
So today, I set Jack to work moving dirt and filling holes and helping me lay ground-retension systems in the backyard. The dogs have dug to China, and it is really really dangerous out there--you can't walk for falling into holes--so after spreading oodles of topsoil on the barren earth, we laid a layer of chicken wire topped by a layer of Earth Wise straw mat, which I watered heavily and spread with organic Dutch white clover seeds. I need to go back to Fleet Farm and buy more chicken wire, straw mat, garden staples, temporary fencing, and shady seed mix. Jack will return on Wednesday, hopefully by then I'll have been visited by the digger-marker fairy and will find out how screwed I am. Making friends all over the place, that's your friendly neighbor Cris all over!