Thursday, September 29, 2011
A Feeling of Change in the Air
Animal check this morning went well, with all heads present and accounted for. I had my bug man come and spray yesterday evening, which should help with the annual fall invasion of nasty Asian beetles. I don't believe in pesticide spraying, but this is one exception I make. I hate these biting beetles more, and living in a former barn, they really like to come in and make themselves at home. I try to make my home as welcoming as possible, but not for insects.
As you can see, I revamped my blog's look. Hope you like is striking me as a little busy, but in a good way. If you've ever visited my house, you've probably noticed my love of layers as decoration. Everywhere you look, there are layers and layers of cozy, colorful things. And I believe that books are the ultimate house accessory! So hence, the cozy, warm, book-themed look that I chose for my blog.
Sometimes it is just fun to clean things up and create some small changes, particularly when the seasons themselves are changing outdoors. Now, if I could just figure out how to change my little farm into a big one....
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Babies Have Left the Nest
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What a Haul!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
First Year - A Video by Jenna Woginrich
I am so crazy proud of this girl, I can hardly stand it. She figured it out, and went for it. This video makes me cry with pride, every damn time I watch it. You go, Jenna. You go.
My Good Life Moment
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Little Bunny Video
As you can see, the kits are doing very well. It is amazing how fast they are growing! Little Mama has been eating more & more, and I think she'll be glad in another week or so when her babies start hopping out of the nest and sampling kibble and hay bits. Of course, she'll miss her daily dose of fresh grass (the kits can't eat it, as it will make them really sick) but perhaps the break from child-rearing will be an even trade.
In other news, the two kittens are getting into trouble (as 9 week old kittens should) and making friends with the other creatures of my household. Ernest is in love with Phoebe, although he does get confused when she tries to make him nurse from her belly...but he keeps purring and mewing and rubbing on her anyway. Both have learned to hunker down and grimace their way through the greetings from Max and Charlie (which are invariably wet and slurpy). It is promising to be a lovely weekend here, so I hope to mow the lawn one last time and dig my potatoes. I'll post pictures of the harvest, I promise!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Update on The Kits
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Toasty Toes

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Harvest Moon Tales

Monday, September 12, 2011
It's Too Hot Out There
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Meet Ernest & Emily
French Press Love
I Have Made Melon
Friday, September 9, 2011
I could win big....
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's Free for the Taking

Monday, September 5, 2011
Lazy Labor Day
I mowed the lawn, which was desperately needed, and I think I discovered the hidey-holes of one or two ground bee nests. No stings were involved, just some mild posturing on their part, and me steering my whirling blade of doom the other direction when they appeared. I'll wait to clear the head-high shrub weeds that they seem to be nesting in when it officially freezes in another couple of weeks. Lucky me, ground bees, wasps and bumblebees all die when it freezes, so then I can clear out their old homes without needing to run for my epipen. (Yes, I have one, because my old bee stings wake up and itch from time to time, which makes my doctor think I am now allergic to bees.) The flies are lazy and persistent, due to the cold I think, and it is a hoot to watch the chickens polish them off, snap by beak snap. There is some kind of huge garden spider making a prolific web in a corner of the coop. He/she has caught several flies and a large ground bee, and doesn't seem phased by the prolific dinner at all. The chickens are wisely leaving this pest-control expert alone. I swear, this spider is the size of my thumb--the whole thumb! Giant spiders appearing out of nowhere, cold mornings with faux frost covering the garden, needing a quilt on the bed at must be September.
Here's me, off to deal with more apples.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Back to the Start
I don't ever post advertising in this blog, mostly because I find it very difficult to find any ads that actually support what I believe to be important. This one, though...I love this. It sums up so much of what I think is wrong with the way the food industry hands out as the "way food must be"; and it shows what has to change (and is changing!) to make our food system safe, healthy and sustainable for both people, animals, and the Earth. If you haven't stopped in at Chipolte Grill lately, or ever, you should give them a try. They are the one fast-food joint that is getting it right...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Somehow, It's July Again.
Yes, I am whining. We had a lovely taste of fall, and I am hungry for more. Apples falling from overburdened limbs, a pot of soup simmering on the stove, bread rising to be baked in the oven--all those things have been calling to me. To be suddenly plunged back into the middle of summer is just harsh and unpleasant. Someone should write to the management and demand an immediate change back to the appropriate season! Tomorrow evening is a home football game, and I am thinking that the kids running around under pounds of gear are going to be sweating buckets. Poor guys. If we lived in Texas, I could understand it but here in northwestern Wisconsin we expect our seasons to behave. (And to apparently support the football boosters, as well.)
Aside from the unpleasant weather, the garden continues to produce. I have a couple offers of free apples, so I think I will be wandering around with buckets and bags gathering the bounty. Afterward, I will be swimming in various forms of apple-goodness, including my favorite Curry Apple Chutney! Oh, how I love that stuff....thank goodness it is fall again so I can replenish my supply.