Sunday, September 25, 2011

What a Haul!

The weather finally cooperated for a few hours this morning, and I was able to head out to the back garden and dig the potatoes and last of the onions. It was amazing how the weeds just swarmed over everything in the last couple of weeks--see, I knew heading back to work after a summer off was bad for the garden! Yet another reason to become independently wealthy...well, maybe in my next lifetime.

If you felt like it, you could scroll back to early spring ('round about April, I think) and find where I mention that I planted the potatoes that arrived from FedCo, a five-variety package called the "classic keepers collection". And the five types, if you really wanted to know that, were Green Mountain, Kennebec, Red Pontiac, German Butterball (ha ha, I love that one...), and Russet Burbank. What I think I forgot to mention is, that for each of the rows, I planted four or five potatoes and then hoped for the best.

As you can see, my little table is covered. I decided it would be over-kill to show that the kitchen table is also half-covered in potatoes, so you'll just need to take my word for it. I gathered just over 30 pounds of potatoes this morning, so added to the 10 pounds or so I dug up over the season, that is not a bad return on 20 individual potatoes. As far as I can tell, the russets and the reds did the best, but I did eat more of the German Butterball...not only is the name a hoot, but they were the best new potatoes ever....

And yes, I do realize that the middle of this table is covered in onions. I harvested the last of the yellow onions as well. They grew, and while they are small, I think they'll be fantastic cooked into a whole variety of yummy things this winter.

Oh, and I got the lawn mowed as well. Not bad for a chilly Sunday morning! I feel completely okay with being lazy and warm inside this afternoon--besides, it's started to rain again, so I can watch PBS and knit and not feel one whit of guilt.

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