Yesterday, I spent most of my day driving around between locations that were very far apart. I didn't really mind though--between the gorgeous scenery, unseasonably warm weather that makes fall feel like late summer, and the zen of humming tires, it was nice to let my mind leap-frog between thoughts. This morning, I am taking advantage of a later afternoon work schedule and relaxing with some coffee before leaping into my day. All the animals seemed jazzed by the nice weather. The chickens are doing their thing, digging for worms and hunting flies. The rabbits are liking the cooler evenings, that are just warm enough that the top dutch-door gets to stay open and they can enjoy the night scents. The dogs are going a little nuts, barking at falling leaves and drifting pine needles. For the cats, they are spending a lot of time in windows. As for myself, I am liking the soft warm breezes and fall colors, although secretly I am hoping for some "tall boot" weather in the near future. It is awfully nice to not have to run the heat right now, though. I have a feeling that a long, cold winter will be coming soon enough.
In other related rabbit news, it appears that the baby bunnies are weaned now. My first clue was the diving head-first into the feed bin when I poured in the rabbit chow, followed by a mass slurping from the refilled water bottle. One of my projects for this weekend now includes putting together another cage and relocating my little buns into their new home. I believe that Little Mama will enjoy the extra space. I hope she won't mind that it will be temporary; if all goes well, in about another month she should have another litter of kits. (See previous post for discussion of my feelings on being a bunny pimp.)
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