Well, to dream about gardening in any case. Today was the big Seed Share event, coordinated by yours truly and attended by twenty-ish brave souls who came out in the chilly January weather. Two tables and part of a third were covered with boxes and jars and packets of seeds that were all up for grabs. Group ordering of seeds from FedCo
(www.fedcoseeds.com) and trees from St. Lawrence Nurseries
(www.sln.potsdam.ny.us) was wildly popular--I think we are all going to save big on shipping! Hooray!
I met some really nice folks, who are also waaaaaay into gardening. It is so nice to talk shop and trade tips with people who know (and actually care) what you are talking about. Later this week, I'll be sending the orders in and waiting impatiently for the packages to start arriving.
This is the time of year when the anticipation of gardening gets almost as good as the actually gardening experience. Right now, I can dream that all the

seeds I order are going to grow
exactly as described by the seed catalog. The reality of the garden, when everything is a riot of poorly growing, heavily smothered by weeds chaos, comes later. For now, I can enjoy the fantasy of my beautiful, orderly garden growing like mad...ahhh, Spring. Come along soon now, won't you?
P.S. The mouse has been caught. Finally. Here's hoping that he/she didn't invite relatives in to stay as well.
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