Friday, March 1, 2013


I volunteered to bake some "muffins" for the morning gathering at the Traditional Skills Day on Saturday.  I have been wanting to try a gluten-free breakfast bar recipe from my friend Kathie at Two Frog Home, involving seeds and some squash and all sorts of other goodness. 

But then I had an idea that maybe I should make something more friendly to the non-seed-loving-yet-gluten-free set.  So I started to ponder what I had in the cupboard, and thought:  If I leave out the flour from my favorite brownie recipe, it would be'll hold together if I just add more cocoa powder, right?  And then I thought:  Well heck.  Who doesn't like a brownie for breakfast?

This may not be your average adult's idea of a breakfast muffin, but I have a feeling the kids will think it is fabulous.

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