The other day, I got to spend the late morning-early afternoon hours with a couple wonderful friends. We were off on a ramble--I love that British term for backwoods walkers--in search of the elusive morel mushroom. Alas, we had no luck finding any morels, or mushrooms of any kind for that matter. It was a lovely, lovely day for a walk through the fields and woods and such, giant bear ticks notwithstanding.
The lovely ladies--great company, and full of foraging knowledge! |
It's a hilly climb, but the view in spring is amazing. |
We have plans to revisit these secret apple orchards come fall. |
So many beautiful apple blossoms, but no bees--it was too chilly for them. |
It seemed like all the spring ephemeral were out, like this trillium. |
We found a couple Jack in the Pulpits, too. |
So many blossoms! I hope they yield oodles of fruit come fall. |
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