Happy Halloween!
It took me all day to set up, and the weather never improved beyond a dismal fogginess, but I think this year's Halloween display may be one of my best yet. I've been plotting a Dia de Los Muertos theme for the past year, and I think I managed to pull it off!
The kids really liked the candle-lined walk in to the yard. |
The centerpiece: an altar to greet hungry ancestral spirits. |
Graves, decorated for the holiday. |
One of my more favorite headstones--love the eyes! |
Flowers, candles, a skull--reminders of death in the midst of life. |
There were plenty of snacks for spirits' enjoyment, including apple turnovers! |
A four foot tall sugar skull--made from thin insulation. |
Adult beverage bar, because parents deserve treats, too. |
And after all that set-up, I got to enjoy a beer and weinie roast by the fire. |
The pictures are much brighter than the day actually was--it was dark, and grim, and very damp. I was practically sitting in the fire to keep warm. It was worth it, though, to hear the kids' exclamations of delight as they came up the street and saw my display. Lots of them had running commentary as they came up, saying things like "oh yeah, this house is
awesome!" and "Mom, Mom, look what she did this year!" and "Man, this looks like Spanish class!" (Apparently, the Spanish teacher at the local school taught a lesson on the Day of the Dead today. She'd be happy to know that her students learned something!)
I lasted until about 7:40 PM, and then large raindrops started landing on me as I sat beneath the pine trees. I took that as my cue to turn off the lights, pack up the last of the Cheetos (all my candy is gone, yippee), and head inside where it was warmer and drier. The
santos candles and jack-o-lanterns are left to burn as they will throughout the night, and any hungry spirits can help themselves to the bread, apples and turnovers that they need for their travels.
And that is Halloween, done for another year. I can hardly wait to start planning for next year!!
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