Saturday, March 8, 2014


Ahh, the weekend!  It is looking like it is going to be a warm one, highs in the 30s which means the copious amounts of snow should start disappearing.  The porch may flood (it does every year) but that's okay--I'm going to be puttering about the place happily with my wellies on if need be.

Projects for the weekend include a bit of a clean, the place is pretty dirty (it's hit that point of winter where everything is just nasty-gross-dirty) and it's getting depressing, and some cooking too.  I'm going to make a batch of carrot-fennel soup, a simply delicious concoction of carrots, fennel and orange juice which may sound like an odd addition but it just makes the whole thing sing with culinary joy.  I'm also going to pot on some lavender, savory, and other herb friends who need more space to stretch their little roots.  And if it does really warm up, I may be able to clean the rabbit cages of their frozen-on hay and other debris.  I'm hoping it is mild enough that I can open the windows and let some fresh air into the house.  It's getting quite stale in there, and I have a rather strong rotten fishy odor lingering near the plants...I watered the bigger plantlets with a weak fish emulsion a couple days ago and man does that stuff reek.  The plants are happy, though, so I guess a little stench is good for the garden.

Of course, I'm sure I'll work in some lounging time, perhaps some knitting time, and hopefully some friends-over-for-lunch time.  There is nothing quite so lovely as a lazy-ish weekend puttering around the house!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I remember the smell of fish emulsion. Used to use it all the time when starting seeds - strangely it never made the leap from Dayton to WI.

    Love that seed catalog photo - Mister Carrot!



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