What a whirl of a weekend. Friday, I spent time with my bestie and visited two of my favorite occasional sales. What's an occasional sale? It's a once-a-month sale at a glorious little shop filled with vintage treasures, housed in an older home turned into three floors of lovely little rooms to shop in. As you wander from little room to little room, all sorts of things call to you...I came home with a banged up galvanized tub that will soon house my mint, and a clutch of old Ball canning jars, an Atlas half-pint jar, and a cool squared quart jar with a bail lid. Oh loveliness! Plus, I got extended time to visit with my lovely friend and a yummy dinner that neither of us had to cook. And then on Saturday, I got my taxes done which is never a fun task, but this year it looks like I get a teeny refund so that's one job done to my advantage. Yay!
For the rest of weekend, I spent gardening. Oh, it was far too frozen to go outside into the gardens and do any work, but I repotted lots of things that had grown too large for their original containers and sowed some seeds for new crops. Everything is growing beautifully.
The cats will be so happy! |
The calendula is growing happily. |
So is this cool marigold--it's an open flower with a red center. |
Fields of tomatoes...I can hardly wait. |
Check out my trailing petunias! |
Barely planted two weeks ago, the zinnia are doing great. |
It may take two years, but these perennials will be glorious! |
The next few days are supposed to be sunny and warm, so with any luck the snow will disappear, the ground will thaw, and soon enough my little plants can be parked out in the garden. Well, soon enough, anyway.
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