Given that it appears to be knitting season, and I am knitting away like mad, I thought I'd take a moment to share some of my favorite knitting fibers. Partially based on luxurious feels and cost, I will warn you in advance that I have a "thing" for merino.
Ah, to someday have my own merino sheep...that would be a glorious, glorious thing.
First off, the spot to find a great selection of yarns at low-ish prices:
Knit Picks
I love their Palette many lovely colors! |
Everything from silk, merino, alpaca to blank wool and acrylic, you can find it at Knit Picks. Plus, they have free shipping on orders over $50 AND a whole line of nice needles/crochet hooks AND fun accessories. Yeah, I like them pretty well.
Of course, there are plenty of luscious yarns that I find at my local yarn store. One of my favorites is
oooh...squooshy color! |
And then there's
Manos de Uruguay...
I am addicted to the Maxima line...merino...bliss. |
Then again, there's always
so many colors of madelinetosh vintage, so little time... |
Dream in Color yarn...
lordy, how I love smooshy... |
Yeah. I should start a twelve step group.
Sign me up for that group- as long as there's some Manos d'U to share!