I am a fan of barns. I love them. Standing tall, round ones, falling down or with trees growing up through the hay loft, I love them all. I mean, hey, I live in one!
One of the most lovely things I have ever seen on a barn is a barn quilt. Made from 8 foot by 8 foot squares of plywood and painted too look like a quilt block, these lovely pieces of art are scattered across the Midwest. The largest concentration of them can be found in Sac County, Iowa (http://www.barnquilts.com/), but other counties throughout Iowa have started up barn quilt committees as well. In Sac City, Iowa, there is a "house quilt" committee--with sheds and homes and even mailboxes decorated with smaller-sized wooden quilt squares! Over Christmas, I drove south on US Highway 63 through Iowa and saw several of these beauties as I passed farms. I thought: Someday, I need to make one of those!
And so, the "shed quilt" project was born! Last weekend, I put three coats of creamy, butter yellow paint on a 2 foot by 2 foot oak plywood square. I researched traditional barn quilt blocks, and found a pattern called (aptly) Hens and Chicks. Today, in celebration of a four-day Easter weekend, I mapped out my quilt block pattern and started painting it in. The colors I chose are blues and turquoise--given the shed will be a vibrant purply-pink with light gray trim, I think my quilt will show off beautifully. Photos of the project are to follow soon, so stay tuned!
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