Most mornings, I drag myself out of bed. It isn't because I didn't get enough sleep, or feel so tired I can't move--I just really like to lie in bed, smothered in quilts and a cat or two, pretending that the day hasn't started and I don't have anything pressing to accomplish before I can crawl back into my cozy nest.
But this morning, when the alarm went off and after my initial sleepy thought of "oh man, it is early...", I sprang out of bed!
(Okay, stumbled out of bed--but I got up!)

Today was chick delivery day #1! A box of 25 peeping, micro-sized silkie chicks was due to arrive, and I had things to do to get ready for them. Around 7:45 AM, the phone rang. Claire at the post office was calling, to say that he had a box full of chickens for me. A quick dash across town, and I had a cardboard box perforated with holes peeping away in the passenger seat.

As you can see, I have an assortment of colors of very tiny, fuzzy chicks. I think there are buff, white, black, and splash (a mix of colors in splotches)--it is a little hard to tell what colors they will be until their real feathers start to fill in. Out of the 25 ordered, 23 chicks made it and seem to be doing well in their new abode. For the next week or two, they will reside in style in a quilt-draped, extra large rubbermaid tub with a balmy heat lamp shining down upon them. As soon as the temperature gets settled and everyone seems to be comfortable, I will jet off to work and leave them to
eat, peep, drink, and sleep in peace. I do love baby chicks!
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