Friday, June 24, 2011

A Sunny Day

It is absolutely a gorgeous day outside, one of those June days that makes you remember why it is that you love summer. I spent the entire morning outside, starting with hanging laundry, coordinating a chick pick-up (12 went to their new home in an orchard, lucky girls!), painting a new raised bed surround and bunny barn, and then mowing the entire yard which took a good two hours. I still need to weed-whip, but it got warm and I wanted to finish sewing curtains for the windows of the bunny barn. The rabbits get a lot of light, and they aren't particularly fond of it so I thought, curtains are in order! It was a little tricky to make them, because I needed to line them with plastic as rabbits, particularly the boys, seem to pee all over. It's kind of crazy, actually, how far out of the cage they can pee. Projectile peeing. Who knew? Anyway, it also gave me the opportunity to hang a big box fan in the open half of the dutch door, and introduce the rabbits to a cool breeze on a balmy afternoon. While I was out there, taking pictures and hanging the fan, I got to witness my neighbor's new routine of entering her detached garage. She opened the door, ran through it yelling, banged on a few things, and ran out of the opening retractable door. Ummmm....I don't know if she saw something scary, or if it was a preemptive screeching. In any case, she went back in and came out on her giant lawn tractor to mow her small yard. I opted not to stay outside and enjoy her glaring at me every time she came around the corner. (Can we say, very ready for a privacy screen?) It is too beautiful a day to waste time on grumpy people, so I am going to savor the joy of a project, well done. (The picture, incidentally, is of the finished bunny barn project. Isn't it too cute for words?)

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