The weather finally cooperated the other day, and I was able to get some pictures of Dickens and his flock of Little Ladies.
Miss Rosa Bud, who is devoted to Dickens & can be found near him, always. |
Polly Toodle, a bit of an independent kind of girl. |
Caddy Jellyby tends to linger in the nest box, late in the afternoons. |
And finally, the lovely Dolly Varden. |
Now, Dolly Varden is a bit precocious. She was the first to show interest in the attentions of Mr. Dickens, the first to lay an egg, and now, the first to become ferociously broody. Hence, the puffed up menacing look I'm receiving in this photograph (she was actually
growling at me!) She refuses to
not be broody, so I've given her two eggs to sit on. Who knows if they will hatch or not, but she seems a bit happier now to be able to do her chosen job. Just like her namesake, she is all about the childcare.
The girls are beautiful!