Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hope Springs Eternal

Ahh, my Max. A good dog is a priceless friend to have...even if he happens to be mildly obsessed with my rabbits. Ever since the event that will be forever known as The Great Bunny Escape happened a few weeks ago, Max is convinced that small white rabbits are just going to appear, any time he stands near the bunny barn. This is where he hangs out, after watering the various trees or clothesline post: staring vigilantly at the sides of the rabbit yard. After staring at this side, he trots over to the other side. And sits. And stares. And stares some more. (He's very good at staring. Do not challenge him to a staring contest unless you are prepared for a fight to the death.)
I don't have the heart to tell him that the mini-Houdinis have moved on to greener pastures, a.k.a the Freezer. The newest batch of babies haven't mastered the art of escapism yet, and hopefully will not conquer my latch-metal-spring-clip-plus-carabeener-clip-thingie and make the leap to freedom. All this staring does have the side benefit that Max no longer spends all of his time looking across into the backyards, very much like a furry stalker, waiting for his friend Daisy to appear, and then commencing a loud, barky conversation with her. Waiting for rabbits is much quieter, even if the eternal vigilance is a tad unnerving.

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