What a nice day here on the little farm-lette! Everyone got treats from Santa: the chickens got hot multigrain cereal, the rabbits got dark leafy kale. Max and Phoebe scored new squeak toys (a goose for Max, and a pheasant for Phoebe). The cats collectively got a dozen new catnip mice and some kind of furry barbell...oh, and a catnip goose. I think we had a kind of wild poultry theme going on in the stocking gifts department. As for me, I've spent the day wandering about, making Christmas dinner (it's nearly done!), and never making it out of my fleece lounge pants. It's glorious, I tell you, simply
glorious. I've even managed to call/skype nearly all my family, and spread Christmas cheer nationwide. I feel like a one-woman holiday parade...in pajamas. It could be the laced-coffee talking, but this is a very nice way to spend the holiday. I highly recommend it.
Here's hoping everyone out there has had a nice day, too. Happy Christmas!
P.S. Rudy the rooster found his voice today. Aroo-arooo!
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