Last night, one of those snowfalls came that makes everything look like a classic Christmas card. It started just as I went out to do evening chores, feeding the buns and settling the chickens for the night. Everyone was happy with their kibble, particularly the rabbits who seem very enthusiastic about the grassy bale of hay I just opened for them. For those of you who thought rabbits were solely interested in your garden produce, let me assure you that domesticated rabbits are all about the hay. This one has big leaves of some sort of plant (goldenrod, maybe?) that they can't get enough of. It was terribly peaceful in the bunny barn, with the snowflakes hissing against the roof and walls, and the buns munching into their hay and kibble. The newest kits have emerged from the nest, and look as fuzzy and cute as three and a half week old baby rabbits can look. Even their teensy red eyes are adorable. In another week or so, they will graduate to the grow out pen and their older siblings will graduate to the, err...ummm...well, to the freezer. You have to trust me on this, but they have grown past the cute baby stage and have reached the nice-looking-and-quite-tasty-too stage. Once my hand/elbow heals up a bit more, it will be a harvest day of sorts around here. (I warn you of this coming event, so you can skip that chapter when it comes up if you want to.)
Still only one egg in the nest box per day, but Sookie the Speckled Sussex and Pearl the Araucana have been sighted checking out the digs so perhaps the coming days may see additional eggs arriving in the nest box. Of course, if the days stay cloudy and gray and cold like this one was, I may see no additional eggs until March. No crowing from Rudy the rooster yet, and I hope that holds off a bit too. Somehow, when the windows are sealed and the heaters are blasting, I feel more confident that no grumpy neighbors will complain over a mild cock-a-doodle-doo now and again. Besides, sun up isn't until almost 8 Am now, and in a few more days it will be even later...so crowing won't be waking anyone but the worst slugabed up at that hour. Around here, nobody seems to sleep quite that late (more's the pity)!
It is snowing again this evening, and I should head to bed. My 2-week medical leave ends in the morning, so it's back to work with a vengance come 6 AM. Augh. I'm probably going to have to shovel, too....where is my live-in sherpa when I need one?
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