Monday, December 19, 2011

'Twas the Week Before Christmas

Around here, the week before Christmas is (thankfully) pretty peaceful. All the people-gift shopping is done, the decorations are up, and my Pandora christmas crooners radio station is playing softly in the background. I went simple on decor this year, partially because I am limping along one-handed and didn't want to haul heavy boxes in and out of the house, but in second part because I am living with the Destructo-Twins (aka Emily and Ernest the kittens). So far, they have managed to unplug the lights around three windows four separate times, stolen treats out of the stockings, knocked over the little Charlie Brown tree and broken the plastic ornament three times, yanked off a tablecloth, taking down books, a lamp, and assorted chocolate candies that they then ate and barfed back up. I shudder to think what would be happening if I had an actual full-sized tree, complete with garland, lights and fancy-dancy ornaments on it, in the house. There wouldn't be enough fishing line or duct tape in the world to keep it upright...

I do have a couple of items on the pre-Christmas shopping list still to pick up, though. And here they are:

1. Cream of Wheat (for chickens' Christmas feast)

2. More butter (because it is Christmas, dammit)

3. Figure out meat for Christmas dinner (harvest, or buy a roast?)

4. Check level of available alcohol products

5. More hot cocoa. Don't forget whipped cream!

6. Kale or similar greens (for rabbits' Christmas feast)

Oh, it is a festive season here, I tell you! Usually I am traveling away at this time of year, but this year I am staying put. I couldn't find anybody who was available to hire on to watch the dogs, cats, chickens and rabbits (and the house, too), so here I stay. I am a bit sad to not see my family, but I am also excited about the idea of waking up in my own bed on Christmas morning and celebrating with all the creatures that depend on me. I can actually open stockings with the dogs (which is SUCH fun!), treat the cats to new catnip delights, and rustle up some fancy treats for the chickens and rabbits to thank them for their continued partnership on this little farm. Oh, and I can indulge in perpetual laced-coffee all morning knowing I don't have to go anywhere. Hooray for the Holidays!

P.S. The little injured rabbit didn't make it. Poor thing...I hate it when creatures don't get to fulfil their purpose. Sigh.

P.P.S. Check it out--a second dozen eggs from the ladies! Contributions from Sookie, Twoey, Fifi and Pearl.

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