Somedays at work are filled with a lot of computer face time, and there are days (like today) where I have been at the computer for
hours and I am about ready to run screaming for the hills. Unfortunately, paperwork awaits. So I spend some of my coffee break time pondering the more-fun-projects that I have planned for this gardening season. I thought I would share my 2012 Gardening To-Do List with you. Get ready, it's a doozy!
The Chicken Lady's Insane 2012 To-Do List
1. Build a hoophouse.
2. Plant items in the hoophouse.
3. Install minidrip or minisprinkler watering system in the hoophouse.
4. Find a bunch of bins to grow potatoes in.
5. Plant potatoes.
6. Refill with dirt AND weed out the front raised bed garden.
7. Get a lot of shredded bark. And that means A LOT.
8. Spread shredded bark all over the slowly eroding bare yard before it washes away completely.
9. Clean out the rabbit barn, and install more worms for vermicomposting under the cages.
10. Build many sturdy yet inexpensive chicken tractors, enough to house 200 chickens.
11. Seriously redo the front perennial garden, which has become all weeds and rougue invasives.
12. Till back garden. Many times.
13. Put something in the cold frames, so they have a purpose instead of being decorative.
14. Rebuild the fire pit in the back yard.
15. Till up new gardens against the back fence and install trellises to support the zuchinni.
16. Decide where the heck the cucumbers will grow this year.
17. Install fencing panels for the new chicken yard, and install a chicken door on the big pink shed.
18. Buy more paint in Phlox and Pigeon.
19. Buy hot pink spray paint in quantity.
20. Make two old decrepit garden carts into cute planters, meaning a visit to the greenhouse!
21. Don't forget to buy a whole lot of potting soil, like you did last year.
22. Establish a third compost heap.
23. Plant new trees in the back orchard.
24. Weed the strawberry bed.
25. Dig out the blueberries, that aren't alive or growing at all.
26. Decide what small fruit may survive better than the blueberries did (umm, more strawberries?)
27. Clean out the chicken run, and build them a dust bath corner.
28. Dig a dust bath area for the new chickens by the big shed.
29. Plant the vegetable garden on time, so things actually have enough time to grow.
30. Fertilize things so they actually grow and are healthy.
31. Research and implement fly control measures for the chickens and rabbits.
32. Build a "pond garden" in front, complete with fish and fountain.
33. Figure out how the black water trough that is the "pond" will be disguised (faux rock?)
34. Reblack the inside of the solar dehydrator with oven-proof spray paint.
35. Find a source of small hay bales and small straw bales, to avoid overusing the current suppliers.
36. Design a cat run...which may just be wishful thinking.
37. Research lawn options that don't grow above four inches.
38. Win the lottery so I can afford to rip up the current lawn and replant the no-mow option.
39. Restring the clothesline.
40. Fill in all the remaining dog-dug holes.
41. Invest in another weed whipper, one that has a better charging capacity so it doesn't punk out.
42. Find a local source for garden strength vinegar.
43. Buy some more hot pepper wax spray to deter the wild rabbits.
44. Come up with a weeding schedule, which may be the only way I actually weed as I should.
45. Round up some chicken crates for transportation purposes.
46. Trim the weedy starts from around the box elder trees.
47. Don't forget to plant the new raspberry bushes.
48. If the grapevine really is dead, plant another one somewhere else.
49. More support for the climbing roses!
50. Mow the lawn regularly, until the lottery is won and the lawn is no more.
I think there is more stuff I am forgetting, but you get the idea. Somehow, I will get the majority of all this done before the end of the season. (I always have a list like this, and I do somehow always get it done. I have no idea how.)