Monday, June 3, 2013

The Next Adventure

courtesy of


Oh yes, they will be mine.

I love pigeons.  Oh, I know people refer to them as "rats of the air", but I can't help it.  I've always liked pigeons.  The idea of having a little flock of pigeons wheeling across the skies, coming home to roost in a dove cote of my very own, is intoxicating.

Yeah, maybe I do need to get out more. 

But still, I heart pigeons.  I love their sounds.  I love their colors, their intelligent eyes, the way they move through the air.  (They also are pretty tasty, when it comes down to it.)

This week, I hope to get a couple of things in place so that come Saturday, if I have any small amount of luck, I can head to a local small animal swap with some spare baby rabbits and come home with a few pigeons.  Its been a fun couple of months, reading about pigeons, watching YouTube instructional videos, attempting to contact the local reps for pigeon fanciers groups.  I feel ready to jump into a new project...maybe.  Well, yes, yes I am ready.  OH, I do love a new grand adventure in the making!

Cooing, lovely, iridescent colored pigeons.  I can't wait to try my hand at keeping a small flock!

1 comment:

  1. We have pigeons all over the place over here..sadl they annoy me more than anything. I DO love their sound though. We also have very pretty pigeons that you can cleary tell that are owned by someone. They also have annual pigeon races and can see how a person can get hooked on that :)


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