Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Brighter Week

Life is amazing, how a couple of days can make a difference in your view of the world. This morning I woke up to the first snow: three inches of wet, white stuff that hardly stuck to the gravel and melted on the road. It was definitely snow, though, and while I am sure it means a long cold winter is ahead, I still get excited at the prospect of chilly days and deep-blue snow drifts.
Yesterday evening, I drove home in the most beautiful twilight that I have seen in a long time. The usual assortment of deer bounded in front of me, but I managed not to hit any of them. It's hunting season here, and the middle of rut, so the poor things are running from arrows AND panting after each other. Nature sure has a sense of humor....I love November evenings, where the combination of the quality of light and deep purpling skies blend to give lovely closure to a shortened, crisp day. Of course, November has a high proportion of grey skies and murk, so it makes a lovely evening even more noteworthy. I arrived home with enough light to do chores without my headlamp, and it had warmed up enought that the hose had unfrozen. It's nearly time to pack it away for the winter, and I am not looking forward to lugging buckets from the house to the outdoor livestock. The rabbits were happy to see me, as I've changed their feeding schedule to evenings and they looooooove their hay & kibble. Little Mama had a lovely surprise for me, with a litter of new, naked babies in a fur-filled nest. I think she had them just that morning, because they were incredibly small and very naked. Don't worry about the chilly temperatures! All the outdoor animals are loving the colder weather, and rabbits are most cheerful when it is fall-into-winter. Their permanent fur coats finally serve their purpose. Of course, Little Mama made it known that now she requires double rations. I think I'll pick up some kale for her at the market this afternoon on my way home from work. She's earned it, and I love to see her little pink eyes crinkle in bliss as she munches her greens.
More news from the farm soon. Yes, I know: I still need to post those Halloween pictures! Patience, my pretties. Patience!

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