Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Three Egg Day

Today is a monumental, historic day in the (short and convoluted) story of "Life on 1/3 Acre Farm". It is the day that I found three (yes, three!) eggs in the nest box when I got home in the afternoon.
I know, to many that would not be of epic historical proportions, but I have been virtually eggless since July. It has been a long, long journey to get to this point, I tell you. Sigh. But here it is, at long last. I will actually have the ability to make an omelet per day, should I have a hankering to. I can bake cookies and cakes with abandon. Bundts as far as the batter can flow. Poached eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs-on-toast, toad in the hole, bacon and eggs, eggs and sausage. Boiled eggs, baked eggs, eggs a la Benedict. Oh, the quiches we shall see!
From the top going clockwise, we have eggs contributed by Fifi the Cuckoo Marans (dark dark brown), Sookie the Speckled Sussex (light brown), and Pearl the Araucana (turquoisey-green). Ain't they a bee-you-tee-full site, folks? Three girls a-laying, three more to go. I do not, however, expect any eggs to be produced by Rudy the Rooster (unless he turns out to be transsexual, which has happened on this lit' farm in the past. It's a wild world around here, I promise you.) A round of scratch grains and fridge gleanings all around, bar keep, and a good night to all.
Keep 'em coming, girlies. Mama needs to fry her up some grub.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was so excited when I got my first egg.. I just went through a bout of my girls not laying.. but, we got that all squared away.. so I know how you feel :)


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