Thursday, August 11, 2011

All I Want is a Hammock

Today, I cannot seem to get my motivation going. Call it decompressing after a crazy week, call it a case of the slothies, call it "oh dear lord, summer break is nearly done & I don't wanna go back to work" blues, I cannot seem to get going today. Okay, yes, I did do two loads of laundry, hauled 6 bales of hay across the yard with a friend, I'm breaking in new shoes, and I fed and watered everyone this morning as well as bred two rabbits. Still, it's not up to par with my usual kind of morning at home. By now, I likely would have also mowed the lawn, picked some produce, made the bed, cleaned the floors (which are seriously grungy; how the heck do they get so bad??), run errands in town to the bank and the post office, and possibly started some kind of food preservation for the winter. I would have at least cleaned out the Chicken Hospital debris and scooped out the cat box.
However, all I want to do is sit on my expanding butt and do nothing much. Drinking coffee and perusing books has the most appeal, but then I think about having to turn pages or move my eyes along to read the print and lift the coffee mug and swallow, and I think, nahhhh. I'll just sit here. I think I'll blame it on being a lovely summer day, not too hot, sunny and full of lazy cicada noises and half-hearted chirps of crickets in the ditch.
Anyway, I do need to find my motivation soon. I need to haul my carcass over to Clear Lake and fetch some crates for chickens. I need to get my sorry self up to Barron and hit the Farmers Market, in search of someone whose bean harvest is much better than my pathetic one (oh, and a deep fried treat of some sort, too). I need to actually fold the sheets, towels and clothes that are leaking out of my dryer and heaped clothes basket. I need to clean the cat box, for crying out loud, instead of wandering around, sniffing with a wrinkled nose and muttering "god, who forgot to scoop that nasty thing?"
Well. Maybe I'll do all that in a little while. After I sit here some more.

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