Friday, August 5, 2011

When a Good Thing Goes Bad

Early this morning, I awoke to a beautiful day. A bit misty, but sun nevertheless. The dogs went out, I puttered away in the bathroom, and shortly afterward headed out to the morning chores. I was greeted by the sound of muffled screams coming from the coop.

Nothing changes a bucolic morning quite like discovering that the lovely laying hens have decided that the new infidels must die. Poor Fifi the Cuckoo Marans had a massive gash on the back of her neck, with her muscles visible and blood everywhere. Pearl the white Araucana and Freckles the Speckled Sussex were also bleeding from wounds on head, neck, leg and back end. I snatched up birds left & right, and ran triage. Poor, poor Fifi. The clean-up and medical treatment was horrible for both of us!

In any case, the pullets are now recuperating in Chicken Hospital (or, the sun porch). Fifi has a room of her own (also known as a spare dog kennel), and after a wound cleaning and heavy dosing with antibiotic cream, she is very interested in food and water and I am really hoping that she pulls through. Pearl & Freckles are doing okay, enjoying the rest-cure in their larger "hospital suite" and sharing conversation across the hall with the convalescing Fifi.

Meanwhile, the Two Big Girls are cackling to themselves in their reclaimed, pullet-free coop.

No decision has been made as to the future integration plans. Stay tuned for updates on the abused victims of chicken-bullying.

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