Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hay for the Buns

I've been meaning to post a picture of this (my completed hay shed) for a while, but other, more exciting things have been coming up. I mean, really: Canning tomatoes is soooooo much more exciting than storage for hay near to the actual animals that will eat said hay.

Okay, you saw through my ruse: I forgot to post about this weeks ago. It is more exciting than canning. Well, maybe equally exciting as canning.

Though the bunny barn is fantastic for storing the actual rabbits, there isn't quite enough space to store hay off the ground and where it won't get peed/pooed on. One day I had a brain wave, while I was moaning to myself about needing to hike the hay from the car shed to the bunny barn: Why not build a little shed that can hold 6 bales of hay at a time, right near the bunny barn? (Yes, even my brillance is astounding on occasion. Notice that I don't say how long I had been moaning to myself about needing to cart hay across the yard. That's just embarrassing and doesn't bear mentioning, although I will say it was a long, long time.) So, I called up Jack the Handyman and he whipped together a little shed for me. I still have to paint it, but it is sturdy and does a great job keeping the hay dry and off the ground. I am thinking about adding a tarp-flap to cover over the opening for the winter, as I think snow may creep in and freeze around the bales. The idea of needing a pick axe to remove a flake of hay just seems unpleasant...

The past several days I have been doing nothing too much, aside from starting back to work for the school year and managing to pull a major muscle group in my back. Luckily, my day job doesn't involve heavy lifting and I lifted all sorts of heavy things at home this past weekend (hence, the now-mangled back). I am now well stocked on all sorts of pharmaceuticals, and although it is hard to tell if they are doing anything for my back, I am pleased to report that (1) I don't care that it still hurts, so that detachment is exceedingly pleasant, and (2) I can kind of put together some coherent sentences in both this blog post AND on paperwork at the office. I can't remember what I wrote/said after I've done it, but so far I have not incriminated myself or signed myself up for some horrible obligation. It is very helpful that no one but me is back to work, so I can be deranged in the back room without witnesses.

Stay tuned for more canning shenanigans. I think I may be picking up 5 gallons of tomatoes tonight....

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