Thursday, September 1, 2011

Somehow, It's July Again.

Just when I thought, gosh the last couple of nights I've woken up cold and shivering and reaching for a blanket, it decides to be hot and muggy and just plain ol' nasty outside. It turned into the kind of day that you break a sweat just strolling from the drivers' side door around to the back to grab your bag from the trunk. The kind of day when an iced drink of any sort is more than welcome, at every moment of the day. The kind of day when you can feel your deoderant throwing in the white towel before it's even hit 10 AM coffee break time.
Yes, I am whining. We had a lovely taste of fall, and I am hungry for more. Apples falling from overburdened limbs, a pot of soup simmering on the stove, bread rising to be baked in the oven--all those things have been calling to me. To be suddenly plunged back into the middle of summer is just harsh and unpleasant. Someone should write to the management and demand an immediate change back to the appropriate season! Tomorrow evening is a home football game, and I am thinking that the kids running around under pounds of gear are going to be sweating buckets. Poor guys. If we lived in Texas, I could understand it but here in northwestern Wisconsin we expect our seasons to behave. (And to apparently support the football boosters, as well.)
Aside from the unpleasant weather, the garden continues to produce. I have a couple offers of free apples, so I think I will be wandering around with buckets and bags gathering the bounty. Afterward, I will be swimming in various forms of apple-goodness, including my favorite Curry Apple Chutney! Oh, how I love that stuff....thank goodness it is fall again so I can replenish my supply.

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