Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Breakfast

When life gives you lots of eggs (I have six dozen in the fridge as I type), you get creative with the many ways you can enjoy this cheap and delicious protein source.

Fried.  Poached.  Boiled, soft or hard.  Scrambled.  Omelet.  Frittata.  Quiche.  On toast.  On pizza.  Baked in a cake.

Well, maybe not too much cake.

On a Sunday morning when I don't need to rush out and do something or other, I love to make a Puffy Pancake.  It is simple, tastes wonderful, and makes use of several eggs at one go--making room for the daily collection from the ladies of the Coops.

The Chicken Lady's Puffy Pancake

You'll need:  four to six eggs, depending on what size of pancake you want--or how many people will be eating it--one cup milk; one cup flour; salt; vanilla extract; fresh or frozen berries; butter; maple syrup or pancake syrup of your choice.

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and flour until smooth.  Add in the salt (no more than one half teaspoon) and vanilla extract (I like a lot, so I put in about one whole teaspoon), and whisk smooth.

While making your batter, put a cast iron skillet into the oven at 450 degrees to preheat.  When it is hot, put two tablespoons of butter into the skillet and return to the oven to melt.

When the butter is melted, swirl it around to coat the bottom of the pan and pour in the prepared batter.  Put your berries in the middle of the pancake (I go generous with this, nearly a whole cup) and quickly return the pancake to the oven.  Reduce the temperature to 400 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes, until puffed and golden brown on top.  Serve with additional butter, syrup or whatever you like--cut it like you would a pie and serve in large wedges.  It will be light and puffy on the edges, and more custardy in the middle where it is cradling the berries.

This goes very well with bacon, by the way.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! Will have to give it a try, thank for sharing the recipe!


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