Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gifts from the Garden

This time of year, its not unusual to receive the gift of extra bounty from others' gardens.  Yesterday, I lucked into a couple pounds of sweet, red Italian type peppers.  These little beauties are perfect for roasting and enjoying as roasted red peppers.  Roasted peppers have to be one of my most favorite condiments.  They go well on everything from pizza, to being whizzed into hummus, to layering onto a grilled cheese sandwich.

They are also rather expensive to purchase at the grocery store, particularly if you are seeking out an organic variety.

So early this morning, I put the peppers under the broiler and let them blacken.  A quick steam in a sealed plastic bag and a little more time spent in peeling the loosened skin, and they were ready to fill a sterilized pint jar.

That's right:  a jar.  After feeling a little bit disappointed, I decided I was being really greedy and I realized that one jar was more than what I had in my pantry before.  So yay, I'm going to have roasted peppers in the pantry!

A lot of recipes talk about marinated or pickled roasted peppers, but I just like plain, ordinary peppers without any flavors added to it.  This meant cranking up the pressurer canner, and canning at 11 pounds of pressure for 75 minutes.

Its a lot of work for one little jar, but trust me:  It's worth it!

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