Friday, April 11, 2014

Finally, Friday!

What a week.  It wasn't terrible, just long and relentless...between work schedule madness and the sudden appearance of spring, it was a combination of long days, lots to do once I got home, and general silliness of projects, animals, and fresh spring air.  And boy, am I glad it's Friday.

Not that I have big plans for my weekend, of course.  Mostly, sleeping in, possibly afternoon naps, some baking, a little knitting.  You know, the usual.  Sometime in there I need to harvest a couple of rabbits, clean the Bunny Barn, and move the weaned kits to their own roomy cages.  Poor Ophelia will be glad to have her digs back.  When I went in to give her water the other morning, she had two kits on her back and one was attempting to sleep on her head.  She was wearing that long-suffering mother look, but gamely tolerating her offsprings' whims.  I think its time for them to move out, though--four weeks is plenty, and they are happily eating and drinking on their own now, so they can hop on over to an adjoining cage.  It'll be nice to putter in the Bunny Barn, as its supposed to rain.  I love the sound the raindrops make on the roof, and the smell of rain will be so very welcome after this long, long winter.

This picture in this post is from a collection that the preschoolers drew for the visiting chicks, to decorate their tub brooder.  I just love them--they are incredibly cute, and so joyful.  A chick and her girl, now that says happy spring to me!

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