Wednesday, March 13, 2013

There's an App For That...

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that I am a fan of a publication called Mother Earth News.  I get so excited when I find my copy waiting for me in the mailbox (almost as excited as when I find a copy of MaryJanes Farm waiting!)  Each bimonthly copy is loaded with all kinds of interesting articles, helpful advice, and updates on current events in the sustainable living world.

Wouldn't you know that they'd come up with a useful iTunes App for all of us chicken lovers out there?  It works on the iPad or iPhone, and it lets you sort chicken breeds by use (meat, eggs, or dual purpose), as well as egg color and productivity.  Read more about the App at their website.  While I love reading about different breeds of chickens (and have a whole host of great books on the topic), this might be a good resource for folks who don't have their own chicken library to peruse and who have been pondering what kind of chicken might meet their needs.  Its a bit of a bummer that it won't work on non-Apple technology currently, but for those of you out there with i-whatevers, you might get a kick out of trying out this app on your own!

Note:  I'm not getting a kick-back for endorsing this product, I just think it is cool.  Besides, it's chicken related and I am the Chicken Lady.  A chicken App!  Who wouldn't love that?

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